Friday, March 13, 2009

A Kiln Full of Red ... The end results

Friday the 13th has yeilded some mighty fine reds from my yesterday's firing. I have two different red glazes on my pieces . Bessie Mae the black singer is done in my no fail red. And as you can see she is perfectly red. The other pieces are a different story. It has variations of red to brownish red to brown. It is a finicky glaze but a beautiful glaze. I will be prepared the next time I use it and careful not to let the pieces get close to the elements. I get brown instead of red. And I can see if it is too close and too hot it will turn white and burn all the red out. The next Kiln of Reds I will fire only the fickle red glaze and fire it at a ^o7 and everything goes in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Linda-- GREAT WORK here! I'd love to stop in-- do not know how far you are from Hendersonville, NC. If you come out this way do visit our studio/gallery open several days a week (at least).
    I also like your blog colors-- HAPPY!
    Good luck out here!
    Best- A fellow artist in WNC
